Channel: Pax on both houses
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Belligerence And Political Pandering: "Will Trump Ride Pentagon Spending To Re-Election?"

Alan: Learn how the "armaments supply chain" induces addiction to "the next slice" of The Belligerence Pie in every one of "the lower 48 states."

The twisted logic of the Military Industrial Complex is that "supply creates demand."

So keep supplying bellicose conflict or the "imminent" threat of conflict.

"Will Trump Ride Pentagon Spending to Reelection?" 
William Hartung

"Do Wars Really Defend America's Freedom?"
(Homage To Marine Commandant, Major General Smedley Butler)

Orwell: A Brief, Image-Rich Introduction To A Prophetic Genius

That Big Brother Is Watching You Is Nothing: The Horror Is His Redefinition Of Trumpery As Truth

Trumpista Dimwits Confront The Reality Of Unnecessary War With Iran


Trumpista Dimwits Confront The Reality Of Unnecessary War With Iran


"The Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich": Hitler And Goebbels' Replacement Of Truth With Falsehood

Image result for "when fascism came into power" fromm"
Alan: Capitalizing on the dependability of "base level stupidity" is the rock solid foundation for The Military Industrial Complex.

A Confession: I'm Starting To Write Off Stupid People As Incorrigible

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts About Stupidity

Eisenhower, The Military-Industrial Complex And "Humanity Hanging From A Cross Of Iron"

Why We Love Violence And Pump It Even Though It Rarely Works And Is Typically Counterproductive

"Do Wars Really Defend America's Freedom?"

(Homage To Marine Commandant, Major General Smedley Butler)

"Why We Fight," Excellent Documentary With Ike's "Military-Industrial Complex" As Springboard

Scare The Sheep 
And They Will Applaud Military-Industrial Profiteering

American "Patriotism": Why So Many Americans Are Fundamentally Violent And Paranoid

Republican Lawmaker From Nevada Sends Christmas Card Featuring Fully Armed Family

The Age-Old Normalization Of Warfare Through Stupidity, Ego And Religion

The Mistaken Concept That Reducing Cultures To Rubble Results In Peace

Punishment Rarely Reforms But Instead Tends To Reinforce Wrongdoing

Conservative Christians Delight In The Punishment And Pain Of Others

Alan: It is commonplace for uneducated people to "vilify" knowledgeable people as "intellectual elites." 

Image result for "pax on both houses" my opinion trumps your knowledge
It is also true that educated people routinely discuss issues in ways that the uneducated will neither "take in" nor understand if they tried to "take them in."

At bedrock, humankind's quandary - specifically as it relates to violence and organized belligerence - distills to stupidity.

Garden variety stupidity.

Education is the antidote.

Image result for "pax on both houses" kennedy

Image result for "pax on both houses" jefferson

Blessedly, it is only necessary that a mere majority of people be educated... if that!

Effective educational process could begin with Dr. Seuss'"The Butter Battle Book" and "Yertle The Turtle." Just read them out loud -- and discuss them in class -- every year from kindergarten through high school. On "Dr. Suess Day!" (An aside... In his prophetic "Butter Battle Book," Dr. Seuss satirizes Trump's Wall!)

Dr. Seuss Satirized "America First" Decades Before Donald Trump Made It Policy

Eisenhower, The Military-Industrial Complex And "Humanity Hanging From A Cross Of Iron"

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