Alan: This is a good, informative article about the upcoming Democratic primaries and how "delegate counts" could easily lead to a contested convention which -- if Bloomberg eventually wins the nomination -- would leave Bernie supporters even more pissed than they were in 2016 when somewhere between 9% and 13% of "the disillusioned" did not vote for Hillary.
Ideally, national party conventions are "love fests" that bring partisans together after the pique, ill-will and occasional animosity of hotly-contested primaries.
However, when conventions are contested, the eventual nominee tends to do less well in the November presidential match-up than candidates who become pre-chosen standard bearers "going into the convention."
Read the article below and you will have a much clearer sense of what's going on -- and what will go on through the Democratic Convention in Milwaukee starting Monday, July 13th, and ending July 17th.