All they had to do was wait for the results.
Nobody got hurt.
Nobody got killed.
The stupid app broke down and they had to wait.
No big deal.
Alan: Spot on Fred!
A crucial question is why do gringos expect they can “work there will immediately” or, preferably, yesterday.
One of the most overlooked lines in the New Testament is: “In your patience you will possess your souls.”
After a month in Oaxaca, I’ve settled into a perspective where gringolandia is a laughable pretense for civilization.
Although I am not physically present, you, I and our compatriots live in The United States of Barbaria.
And that’s probably understatement.
As a Canadian said to me in the Zócalo last night: “You Americans bitch, wine, piss and moan that universal health care would break the bank... when EVERY OTHER developed nation in the world has had high-quality universal healthcare for 50 years.”
Uncle Sam’s carefully disguised underbelly has always been a joke.
Now The Joker is in the White House.