Dear Tig,
It Is Time To Make Contingency Plans For Blue States' Secession
Thanks for your email.
All value systems come down to beliefs.
Yours. Mine. Vince's.
And although you and I believe that "reason and compassion" are supreme values, even our own moral outlooks are built on cornerstones of belief.
Of course, I don't know the particulars of Vince's belief system, but it is consistent with his general worldview that he considers himself morally responsible to warn gays that they are in danger of eternal hell fire if they do not repent.
It is likely that Vince sees you as a Satanic Agent paving the way for incalculable millions to suffer eternal torment.
In his view, you are the enemy of God.
And he is the faithful servant of his lord and savior Jesus Christ.
In his view, "God said it. I believe it. That settles it."
"Tell me, what can a poor boy do, 'cept to sing for a rock-n-roll band..."
Concerning the fascism that Trump, McConnell and Barr embody and promote...
We will see how things play out in November.
Personally, I am encouraged that it is impossible to imagine -- for me at least -- that any of the states which voted for Hillary in 2016 will "turn red" in 2020.
Of course, there is also the McGovern-Nixon electoral map...
From my vantage, I see every likelihood that Pennsylvania and Michigan will revert to blue, and that the following states may also flip: Wisconsin, Ohio, Florida, Arizona and North Carolina. (Trump is spending $30 million dollars to flip Minnesota.)
Although the chances are remote, I do not think it's impossible Texas could go blue.
I also see a 50-50 chance that between now and Election Day, the US economy -- or at least the stock market -- will nose-dive. It has been irrationally exuberant for a long time and Warren Buffett has never been so overtly pessimistic about the market as he is now. He has not bought anything for a long time and says he has no intention of entering the market any time soon.
Last year's U.S. growth rate was an anemic 2.3% and Trump's own agents predict that this year's growth rate will dip to a doddering 1.9%.
Notably, these numbers are lower than Obama's numbers during his last 3 years in office.
Trump’s 2019 Economic Growth Is Slower Than Obama’s Last 3 Years
Comparison Of Trump And Obama's Job Records
Fact-Checking Trump's State Of The Union
Time will tell.
If Trump is re-elected, the silver lining is that his victory will accelerate the collapse of American Empire which is not necessarily a bad thing.
It may even be built into "God's (Irrevocable) Calculus" that we "reap what we sow."
As you may know I have long counselled Americans to pray for mercy, not justice, because justice will surely condemn us.
Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Systematic American Cruelty
From the genocidal seizure of Indian lands onward through slavery, Jim Crow and White Supremacy/Nationalism, we have been a cruel nation, the only nation to drop the atomic bomb -- twice! -- and both times on civilian populations.
Jimmy Carter's Attorney General, Ramsey Clark, famously said: "The greatest crime since World War II has been U.S. foreign policy."
If November's election confirms Uncle Sam's fascist trend, I take hope in the following:
It Is Time To Make Contingency Plans For Blue States' Secession
https://paxonbothhouses. time-to-make-contingency- plans.html
Why The European Union Is More Stable Than USA (And Is It Time For Blue States To Secede?)
http://paxonbothhouses. european-union-is-more-stable- than.html
https://paxonbothhouses. south-disgruntled- massachusetts.html
Bank On It. The South Is Always Wrong
http://paxonbothhouses. it-south-is-always-wrong.html
A final note...
I do not recall if I've mentioned my abiding surprise at Lincoln's determination to "preserve the Union."
For the last 30 years I have believed that Lincoln should have let the South secede in order to form its own spiteful, ignorant, malicious, parody-of-Christianity state.
If the Confederacy had prevailed, I think those backwater bumpkins would have seen the error of their ways no later than the 1890s and would have requested re-admission to the Union. And had the Union been rejoined at their request, our transition to racial equity would have gone more smoothly and been far more effective.
Furthermore, we would not now be re-litigating The Civil War.
And if my rosy "scenario for the south" did not play out, fuck 'em.
Fuck The Southhttps://paxonbothhouses.
Bank On It. The South Is Always Wrong
If Jesus Land ever incarnates its vengeful, intrinsically cruel, gun-toting, theocratic state, JesusLanders (always in need of a population to demonize) will soon "turn on one another" and the resulting debacle will be a source of confirmation for those of us who live in The United States Of CanAm.
To Compete With China, The United States Should Promote A "Hemispheric Federation"
"The mills of the gods grind slow but fine."
And, "Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad."
The "browning of America" is taking place at a lightning clip.
If Trump does win, and some kind of fascist government implements a jingoistic charade of democracy, what will happen in 20 years when angry white people are in the minority?
And an ever smaller minority?
Notably, German Jews comprised a little less that 0.75% of Deutschland's 1933 population - and Roma people even a smaller percentage. https:// content/en/article/germany- jewish-population-in-1933
Angry white people may win the next battle, but they are destined to lose the war.
I realize this is cold comfort.
In the meantime, I think it's important to start talking about blue state secession at least to rationalize it as a possibility.
What is the neo-Confederacy going to do?
Argue against "States Rights?"