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Comparison Of Trump And Obama's Job Records

Image result for charts comparing obama and trump's economic accomplishments
Alan: The two most notable economic events in the last 12 years have been the economic collapse under Bush and the "miraculous" turnaround worked by Obama between 2009 and 2011.

At bottom, Trump's economic successes have built on Obama's success.

However, the recession that is brewing -- exacerbated by the national debt explosion largely attributable to Trump's giveaway Tax Law -- will be a doozy! 

Mark my words. 

When the next recession strikes - sometime within the next two years - Trumpistas themselves will denounce their erstwhile hero.

The Facts Are In: The Republican Party Is Terrible For Prosperity But Unparalelled At Catastrophe


"How Trump's Three Years Of Job Gains Compares With Obama's"
Comparing Trump's first three years in office with Obama's last three years in office, we find that Obama added 21% more jobs than Malignant Messiah. (Details in appended article.)
Trump’s 2019 Economic Growth Is Slower Than Obama’s Last 3 Years

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