Channel: Pax on both houses
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The Day The Republican-Led Senate Refused To Let Bolton Testify

Senators Graham and McConnell pre-announce that they will break their oath, taken before God, to serve as impartial jurors in the Senate imp | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Dear F,

Thanks for your email.

So what if they sue The House!

Does that make any substantive sense to you?

Trump's in the middle of 3500 ongoing lawsuits.

Schiff's excuse sounds like words being strung together so he can give an answer that has a "ring of plausibility."

I've argued on behalf of a looonnnnnggggggg impeachment process from the beginning.

The more shit that comes out, the more opportunity for the glaring light of impeachment to illuminate it and spotlight it.

Surely Bolton has always wanted his book to come out during the heat of the campaign when interest would be at its highest - whereas if Trump loses in November, interest in his book will decline.

Even if the Dems didn't know Bolton was writing a book, "The Room Where It Happened" is precisely the kind of shitstorm-in-reverse that would have "impeached" Trump while a prolonged impeachment process was still going on.

"Dems Should Welcome A Long Impeachment Trial," Conservative Columnist Jennifer Rubin
Introduce Additional "Articles Of Impeachment" That Bash The Bastard Six Ways From Sunday
Lock Up Supoenaed Witnesses Who Refuse To estify In The Trump Impeachment Process
Trump "Violates All Recognized Democratic Norms" Federal Judge Says In Biting Speech
Trump Is A National Security Threat: What Should We Do About It?
"The U.S. Is Under Attack By Trump," Says Admiral William McRaven Who Lead Bin Laden Raid
"What Should Donald Trump Really Be Impeached For?" Amitai Etzioni In "The National Interest"
Former Presidential Candidate Proposes Sweeping 12-Count Impeachment
Democrats' Impeachment Of Donald Trump Is Way Too Thin, Like Butter Scraped Over Too Much Bread

And revisiting my A.M. email about our "Nation of Sheep" failing to stand up to "The Imperial President":

"Why Allow A President To Get Away With What Would Be A Firing Offense For Anyone Else?"


On Fri, Jan 31, 2020 at 4:12 PM FV wrote:

Dear A 

The White House representatives posed your question today. "Does the House’s failure to enforce subpoenas render its 'obstruction of Congress' theory unprecedented?" (USA Today excerpt)
Schiff answered as he has over and over.
Bolton said he would sue the House if they subpoenaed him.
The obstructed subpoenas and the documents requested would have to go through a long series of courts maybe leading nowhere.

As Lamar Alexander said last night when he announced he was a no vote on witnesses , 'he did it ,the Democrats proved it, we dont need more evidence but so what.'

Witnesses  was just voted down with 51 no votes.
Only Romney and Collins voted yes with the Dems.

This was after,today, Par(?)lawyer released some more damaging stuff involving Graham, Nunes, Sipoloni (one of the litigators), Mulvany and many others

Closing argument Monday then any Senator who wants can give a speech on the Sen.floor with or without anybody present.


On Fri, Jan 31, 2020, 2:25 PM Alan Archibald <alanarchibaldo@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear F,

"Republican question for Trump team: Does the House’s failure to enforce subpoenas render its "obstruction of Congress" theory unprecedented?" (USA Today excerpt)  
Have television pundits talked about Pelosi's failure to enforce supoenas?

There is so much that goes on in American politics that we simply "assume" that "that's the way it is" without having the insight and/or grit to address such matters. 

These issues are "the unspoken elephants" in the room.

Why the hell didn't Pelosi enforce a supoena?

At least one!






If I were a completely impartial extraterrestrial, I would think Pelosi was being paid off by the GOP.

While we're on the topic...

Why is that there is almost no discussion of "The Imperial Presidency" and how "We the people..." just assume the president should be able to get away with all this shit!

Nick Hanauer, "Sanity Chocolate" and "How Wealth Rules The World"

And now we've come to this... completely within "legal" bounds of what a president can do - at least if he has congressional support.

L’état, C’est Trump," David Leonhardt, New York Times

It's as if liberal-and-progressive intellectuals finally made a persuasive case that most Americans are docile, unthinking sheep, and The Republican Party -- ever on the lookout for self-aggrandizement -- said, "Hey, what d'ya know? They're just f__king sheep! Let's treat 'em like sheep and do whatever the f___ we want!"

Republican Presidential Candidate Pat Buchanan "Summarizes The Republican Philosophy"

Why is there no discussion about devising practical ways a prevent a repetition of this open sewer in future?

WTF is so "untouchable" about "We the people" saying: "Our will is superior to the will of the president. And if he gets seriously out of line -- which is to say if he is guilty of presidential malpractice including repeated, deliberate lying to the American people -- that "alone" will be punishmable by censure if not impeachment.

16,241 lies and deceptions in exactly three years of Toxic Trump's presidency. 

What can we be thinking by allowing this sludge? By permitting an un-potty-trained "adult" to occupy The Oval Office?

Although the following article is rather wordy, it does provide keen insight, in nice historical context.

"The Original Meaning of "High Crimes and Misdemeaors"

If the president is not fundamentally honest, what the hell can we expect but The Hell we've got?

The Full Scoop: One President, Three Years, 16,241 Lies And Deceptions (Washington Post)




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