Channel: Pax on both houses
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Is Bernie The Most Electable Candidate?


Zach: What Do I Think About People Who Voted For Obama In 2008 And For Trump In 2016?

Dear F,

I think Bernie was last on my "Democratic candidate alignment test" as well.

Bernie's genius is his undivided focus on "following the money" - and following the money all the way to the top.

In fact, Bernie is the first Democratic candidate since FDR to delight in getting beyond the glass ceiling and then reporting what he finds "in the wild blue yonder."

Franklin Delano Roosevelt: "I Welcome Their Hatred.""Judge Me By The Enemies I've Made."

(Obama and Hillary both made their beds with Wall Street. Despite their criticisms of banking, big money and boom/bust economics, 
they were fundamentally incrementalists who believed in a relatively benign form of "trickle down" economics. I would not be surprised if Obama and Hillary's diehard opposition to Bernie is because they know he will change things as much as Trump has, and therefore feel obligated to protect the capitalist institutions which have treated them both so very well. Can you imagine either of these Democratic standard bearers saying "I welcome their hatred.")

Bernie's incandescent focus on "putting first things first" is, I think, the highest political value, in comparison to which everything else is secondary... at best.

Yes, other issues are important.

But it is an indwelling fact of "trans-generational politics" that if we don't stay focused on those who have the money - and what they're doing with it - all the rest is, in some significant way, a manifestation of the Divide-and-Conquer Strategy that has guaranteed overarching Power to "The Ungodly Rich" time out of mind.

"Divide And Conquer": How The Filthy Rich Stay In Power By Manipulating Fools Like You

Plus, if we do not stay singularly focused on "The Money" -- like Bernie does -- everything of central importance risks "getting us lost in the weeds."  

For example, your persistent grievances about "teacher pay and teacher benefits" represent (in my mind) an ultimate alignment with the plutocratic manipulation of Divide and Conquer.

A Billionaire, A Worker, A Poor Man And 1000 Cookies

I do not doubt your conviction. 

I do not doubt your passion. 

I do not doubt that there are at least two sides to every story.

I also do not doubt that teacher pay and benefits are distractions from "The Elephant In The Room." 

And the elephant in the room is always Republican and always scheming to get more resources for itself while simultaneously fortifying a System that effectively fleeces "everyone else" -- call them The 99% if you will -- ensuring their dwindling fortunes and the ongoing disappearance of the Middle Class. And at the end of that road is the implementation of corporatist neo-fascism with unprecedented exhibition of flag-waving, jingoism and protestations that "We're #1."

Billionaire Nick Hanauer's TED Talk: "Capitalism's Dirty Little Secret"


"The Rich Aren't Just Grabbing A Bigger Slice Of The Income Pie. 
They're Taking It All"

"Plutocracy Triumphant"
Cartoon Compendium

Significantly, Bernie's webpage features a number of memes quoting Pope Francis on the centrality of "Wealth Inequality" and the bedrock deprivation-of-dignity whereby "The 1%" (albeit unconsciously) degrades and demeans everyone it considers an "undeserving""n'er-do-well."

Pope Francis: Quotations On Finance, Economics, Capitalism And Inequality

Pope Francis: One Of The Most Powerful Critiques Of Capitalism You Will Ever Read

Pope Francis: "This Economy Kills"


Catholic Social Teaching


Time Out Of Mind, "Deep State Plutocracy" Is The Enduring Conspiracy. Warfare And Racial Animus Are The Decoys

Nor is focusing the centrality of "wealth inequality and wealth distribution" limited to Democrats.

Dick Nixon actually took a leadership role in wealth distribution, promoting policies that only Andrew Yang has the courage to address. 

Nixon's Guaranteed Minimum Income Proposal
Even Bernie speaks tentatively of a "guaranteed minimum income," defaulting questions about GMI's advisability to a "policy position" that advocates "coming together around the belief that every American is entitled to a minimum standard of living," but he never says, "Yes, I will work to make GMI a reality." https://medium.com/basic-income/on-the-record-bernie-sanders-on-basic-income-de9162fb3b5c

Here is a blog post based on a letter I wrote you on the occasion of my 72nd birthday.

72nd B'day Reflection On The 1%, Taxes, Guaranteed Minimum Income & "Following The Money"


Since 1989, The Top 1% Gained $21 Trillion While The Bottom Half Lost $900 Billion

(Think about that...)

Nick Hanauer, "Sanity Chocolate" and "How Wealth Rules The World"

The Quintessential Republican Nightmare
(... and the fear that rank-and-file Republicans will be personally impoverished...)
Image result for "pax on both houses" nightmare"  

On Wed, Jan 29, 2020 at 9:35 PM FV wrote:

Just Bernie appealing to the same people as y k w scares me. I can't think of any good quality in someone who would vote for the devil incarnate.

I would vote for Bernie only because he's a better person than y k w.

He was the last on my list when I took the 'who do you align with 'test.

On Thu, Jan 30, 2020, 12:17 AM Alan Archibald <alanarchibaldo@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear F,

Thanks for the clarification.

I must say that I'm starting to wonder Bernie may be better suited to beat Trump.

"Bernie Sanders Voters Helped Trump Win And Here's Proof"

Facebook Exchange About The Role Of Bernie Supporters In The 2016 Election Outcome

I also encourage you to poke around the postscripted links.



November 13, 2016 at 10:05 a.m. PST ... Asked by The Post if he thought he could have beaten Donald TrumpBernie ... "Do you think your husband would have had a better chance at beating Donald Trump than Hillary Clinton did? ... last week showing that Sanders would have easily beaten Trump, which some have ...
Nov 3, 2017 - Sanders would've beat Trump in 2016 — just ask Trump pollsters ... be wise to consider why so many polls throughout 2016 showed that Sen.
Dec 22, 2016 - Election results suggest Bernie Sanders would have beaten Donald Trump. ... 22, 2016. 5 AM. Facebook · Twitter; Show more sharing options ... Obama in the last two elections — saw Clinton as the incarnation of a political ... Who else in the 2016 campaign made similar promises, with far more conviction?
May 14, 2016 - Recent data show Sanders has double-digit lead in support over Republican ... In March, a Reuters poll said that Sanders would beat Trump by at least 14 percent, while ... Dustin Woodard (@webconnoisseur) March 22, 2016 ... but most, if not all, of the polls do not have their independent numbers correct.
Dec 3, 2018 - Bernie Sanders Would Have Beaten Donald Trump in 2016, ... Sanders said that "every single pollshowed that her husband would have taken ...

Claim: "Right now, in every major poll, national poll and statewide poll done in the last month, six weeks, we are defeating Trump, often by big numbers and always...
Claimed by: Bernie Sanders
May 23, 2016 - Polls show that Bernie Sanders does better against Donald Trump than ... and Toni Monkovic, an Upshot editor, will discuss the 2016 race and post a ... Elizabeth Warren could have beaten Hillary Clinton and whether she ...

11/11/2016 02:25 PM ET ... Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) would have beaten Donald Trump by a historic margin if he had been the Democratic nominee, according to a private pre-election poll provided to The Huffington Post. ... Although the Gravis poll did not show state-level results, it is safe to assume that any candidate with that ...
Dec 20, 2019 - The trauma of Trump's shock victory in November 2016, and the reign of greed, ... The truth is that Democrats genuinely like Bernie: he has the highest ... Trump can be beaten, and the way to do it involves winning three key groups ... Targeted polling of Obama-Trump voters shows Sanders and Joe Biden ...
Nov 11, 2016 - Bernie Sanders would have crushed Donald Trump according to ... Bernie Sanders would have easily beaten Donald Trump according to new pre-election poll ... Feliks Garcia New York @feliksjose; Friday 11 November 2016 22: ... Show all 20 ... Hillary Clinton did not fare quite as well in the poll amongst ...

On Wed, Jan 29, 2020 at 8:22 PM FV wrote:

Michael Steele said there is a voter who would vote for trump or Bernie with equal enthusiasm.

Over this means the impeachment trial on 24 / 7 these 2 weeks now.

It's been intimated, whether true or not, this is having an impact on Joe's campaign.

On Wed, Jan 29, 2020, 10:59 PM Alan Archibald <alanarchibaldo@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear F,

Thanks for your email.

What do you mean by a Trump-Sanders voter?

And what do mean when you wonder if Joe is "slipping over this?" Over what?



On Wed, Jan 29, 2020 at 4:49 PM FV wrote:
I haven't heard anything about a secret ballot. The speculation is 3 pretty sure Rep. votes for witnesses .  Probably wont know til Fri. if there is a 4th.

Matthews was sounding the warning whistle about swarms of Rep. registering to vote.

Do you think there is a Trump - Sanders voter. Thats been mentioned.

Wonder if Joe is slipping over this. People just don't want to deal with scandals other than ykw.


On Wed, Jan 29, 2020, 1:49 PM Alan Archibald <alanarchibaldo@gmail.com> wrote:

As I wrote in the prelude to my Facebook post: 

"Why does the rudimentary advisability of a secret ballot strike terror in the hearts of Trump and his cultists?

YOU use a secret ballot and would be outraged if deprived of it.

What's going on here?"



Biden: 'Sure would like' Michelle Obama as vice president

MUSCATINE, Iowa — Joe Biden said that he would like former first lady Michelle Obama to be his vice president and Barack Obama to be a Supreme Court ...

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