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My Ongoing Attempt To Dislodge A Conspiracist Friend From The Embrace Of Authoritarianism

The American Experiment And The Trump Administration | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Dear Ron,

Thanks for your email.

I just watched the E. Michael Jones video you sent. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYFiv73kQis&t=5s

I was not impressed.

It is true that Jones understands the rudimentary truth that the very people made in the same nefarious mold as Donald Trump are determined to profit in whatever way they can. 

And consequently, these omnipresent warmongers are eager to go to war. 

Image result for pope francis on war profiteering quote

It is also true that Trump is an isolationist. Even before his election, I openly admired his condemnation of The Iraq War and his (apparent) zeal to impeach George W Bush. 

Spot-On Truth-Teller Donald Trump: The Most Important Thing Said At The Republican Candidates' Debate

However, in a much larger -- and immeasurably more meaningful -- matrix, McLuhan pointed out that (in our lifetimes) we have passed an epochal threshold. 

On the 21st century side of that threshold, it is "a new ballgame": "To the spoils belongs the Victor."

From now on, the "winners" of wars are likely to be the losers of those same wars as a direct result of their putative "victory."

This "new thing under the sun" is no secret to anyone but self-seeking antediluvians who are fully capable of precipitating nuclear warfare which, in turn, would mean Dark Age collapse-of-civilization and, quite likely, a return to The Neolithic.

Conservative Christianity, Armageddon As Sell-Fulfilling Prophecy, And Return To The Neolithic

As Prime Minister Brian Mulroney pointed out: "In politics you need two things, madame. One of them is friends. But what is needed even more than friends is an enemy." 

This passion for polarization has always been an immovable object, squatting smack-dab in the center of our human horizon. 

I believe -- indeed I hold as self-evidently true -- that our environmental quandary is an essential sine qua-non-crystallization point around which humankind could designate a "common enemy" in order to make common cause in aourradically divided world where every one is hunkered down in their mostly trivial ideological silos. 

Trump and all other right wing assholes -- including goddamn mofos like Salvini and Bolsonaro -- are fundamentally wrong, even perverse, EVEN malignantly perverse -- when they play the age-old game of distracting their fellows from "what is essential," rather than getting down to the nuts, bolts and common purpose of working for the restoration of environmental health. 

A Billionaire, A Worker, A Poor Man And 1000 Cookies

"Divide And Conquer": How The Filthy Rich Stay In Power By Manipulating Fools Like You

Interrelatedly, I believe that Pope Francis is the most meaningful "politician" on the world stage and that he towers over every political figure who benefits (as all fascists and right wingers do) from the propagation of falsehood and -- what's even worse -- from the swamp of conspiracism. 

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts About Conspiracies And Conspiracism

Even on infrequent occasions when conspiracy theories contain some measure of truth, the overall context of conspiracism does FAR MORE damage than good by not only dissolving every common value and every possible approach to common purpose, but by arguing that common purpose is anathema. (This anathematization of common purpose is evident in right-wing opposition to the mere thought of two years Obligatory National Service in which EVERYONE (who is not comatose of Hannibal-Lector-crazy) would choose between "the War Corps" or "the Peace Corps" - the latter being defined with such breadth as to include Americorps and other long-standing non-profit organizations such as Catholic Relief Service, Oxfam International and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) (Obviously it will be problematic to define this list, but it is doable even if the actual sausage-making is something no one wants to see.)

"Proposal For Two Years Obligatory National Service"

The alternative to government service is not only stasis but what I see as epistemological and political collapse.

Hey, Conspiracists! This Is The Frame Tale In Which You Live And Do Fundamental Damage

Getting back to the particulars of Jones' interview with Iranian TV… 

He says that Hillary would have gone to war with Russia right out-of-the-gate. 


In fact, I call putrescent, fetid bullshit. 

For better or worse, Hillary and Bill are globalists, and they know with crystalline clarity that any hot war with Russia will spell the end of the planet's livability. 

Israeli War Historian Martin van Creveld's Withering Criticism Of G.W. Bush - And More

I also think Jones' assertion that Pompeo and Bolton were put in Trump's cabinet by wealthy people who want war may be (on some level) marginally true. 

However it is revealing that Jones himself goes on to say (in so many words) that Trump's undying passion for greedy acquisition is why he "agreed" to the assignation of these two assholes. After all, Trump's unfailingly base intincts continually fall prey to every deadly sin but sloth. But at bedrock he wants Adelson‘s money, or ANYBODY’s money -- because Malignant Messiah, like all other conservative assholes who now reside on the diabolically mendacious "side of the aisle," believe that The Human Project and The American Experiment are all about grabbing as much money as possible.

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"Inside Job," Oscar Winning Documentary About 2007-2008 Financial Meltdown

"Rose With Bullet": A Still Life Of The Trump Administration And The American Experiment

That is all I have time for Ron.

Next Wednesday I leave to winter over in Oaxaca and will return the United States of Barbaria on April 1st.

Wishing you all good things!

Pax et amore


PS I will conclude by expressing my belief that there are significantly more good people than bad people in what is commonly called "the deep state," and that there are significantly more bad people in the Trump Administration than good people. A fundamental teaching of Christianity is that we are not perfect people -- that we continually revert to "the dark side." I also have vanishingly little doubt that if our central government collapses under the corrosive influence of those who would deconstruct it, that the replacement government will be much worse, in part because those people -- spearheaded by solipsist Donald J. Trump -- are ABSOLUTELY convinced they are right.

George McGovern: "I'm Fed Up With Old Men Dreaming Up Wars For Young Men To Die In"

The people who would adamantly refuse to codify teaching the following view in our K-12 public school curriculum are ALL -- every single one of them -- aligned on "the right side of the aisle." And they are aligned on the right side of the aisle because they are always "absolutists" and almost always "theocrats."

"Do Wars Really Defend America's Freedom?"
(Homage To Marine Commandant, Major General Smedley Butler)

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"Plutocracy Triumphant"
Cartoon Compendium

"Inside Job," Oscar Winning Documentary About 2007-2008 Financial Meltdown

"The Rich Aren't Just Grabbing A Bigger Slice Of The Income Pie. 
They're Taking It All"

QAnon, The Trumpista "Deep State" Conspiracy Movement Glorifying America's Cultural Collapse

Frank Zappa Prophesied A Fascist Theocracy. Barry Goldwater Agrees


On Wed, Jan 8, 2020 at 1:05 PM RF wrote:

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