Alan: Here is my reply to a fellow who commented on the image above, dismissing Reagan's daughter out of hand because she's "a California lefty."
Alan Archibald:
It is remarkable that you think a person's insights can be dismissed because of their overall political orientation.
Mark Twain, Adolf Hitler And The Dunning-Kruger Effect
At times I have applauded Donald Trump's views because he has been "right" despite his overarching benightedness.
"I Applaud Donald Trump"
Then there is all this...
"The Cruelty Is the Point": Trump And Many Of His Followers Delight In The Suffering Of Enemies
"Cruelty Is The Point," An Update On Trump's Policies And His White Christian Base
Christian Conservatives, The Republican Party, And Deliberate Cruelty As A Source Of Laughter
In The End, We Choose Between Cruelty And Kindness
Trump's America Is A Deliberately Cruel Place And "Christian""Conservatives" Are The Cruelest
Tennessee Williams' Critique Of Cruelty Should Be Included In The World's Sacred Scripture
Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman Explains Why Republicans Are Qualitatively Worse Than Scrooge
Best Pax Posts About Trump's Cruelty, Mendacity And Seduction Of "Conservative""Christians"
Momma Said There'd Be Days Like This: "Cruelty Is The Point"
Family Separation And The Deportation Of Parents Constitute Kidnapping And Human Trafficking
New England Journal Of Medicine Determines The Lethality Of Trump's Family Separation Policy

Barack Obama: "It’s Like These Guys Take Pride In Being Ignorant."
Alan: The foremost intellectual exercise of Trump-cultists is their ferocious determination to denounce, summarily, any source of information that threatens them with realization of Truth.