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"Come Hell Or High Water, If There's War With Iran, Trump's Done," Chicago Tribune


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Iran: Trump "Busies Giddy Minds With Foreign Quarrels"


The Scoop Behind America's Friendship With Saudi Arabia And Hostility To Iran

Alan: It is horrifying to watch Trump put American troops in harm's way for the purpose of enhancing personal political advantage.

Always a despicable man, there are now no other adults in the room and it is now a question of where his dimwittedness takes us.

The last adult in the room had this to say:

Cartoon: Follow-Up To Jim Mattis' Reference To Trump As An Ignorant Dolt Who Doesn't Read

It is a little known fact that "Iran won The Iraq War." 

But the mullahs are fully aware that they won and now have the upper hand.

Fool that he is, Trump has alienated every ally who might have helped him.

He -- and he alone -- owns this excresence.

And he can't fob it off on any one else.

Malignant Messiah has fully inherited the Republican motto: "We are all in this... alone."

Soon, those of us who did not succumb to The National Lunacy will be amused by the many Trumpist rationales for jumping ship.

Excerpt: As I was writing this, a father of an American combat soldier who served in Afghanistan called me.
“This is a game changer. Trump is taking out their leaders. We don’t mind that,” he told me. “You go after the decision-makers who orchestrate or sponsor violence and terror from a safe distance. It changes the dynamic. What I do mind is our own guys’ boots on the ground. We don’t want another war.”

One rule of politics is that all politicians lie. But if you lie to your base, and they know it, you’re lost.

Think back to the 2016 campaign, with Trump fighting it out with the Bush family, condemning their wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as wasteful of American blood and American treasure.

"Spot-On Truth-Teller Donald Trump: The Most Important Thing Said At The Republican Candidates' Debate"

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