Thank you for the A2A, Neil.
I am embarrassed to admit that I voted for Trump. I did that because I could not in good conscience vote for Clinton. I falsely believed that he would “fix” things. I did not pay enough attention to the actual things he was saying. All that motivated me was my opposition to Clinton and the way she talked down to us ordinary people. Well, the fix was definitely in so to speak and we are saddled with the most outrageous president in our history. I admit my culpability.
The question is at what point did I finally say “enough”. I think that point came early on in the tenure of this administration when he appointed people who had no knowledge of government operations to top advisory staff positions….people like his daughter and son in law. Then there was the advisor and the staff revolving door. One minute he was saying how wonderful his appointees were and the next he was saying how awful they were. Then he was saying how much more he knew about highly complex and technical issues than the experts knew. Dare I go on? I apologize to my countrymen for casting my precious vote for this man. I have every confidence that we will survive this episode. In future, I will be much more circumspect with my vote.