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Online Discussion Of "The Common Good,""The General Welfare" And A Truly "Social Contract"


"The Common Good," "The General Welfare" And A Truly "Social Contract" Are Indispensable | "The Common Good,"  "The General Welfare"  And A Truly "Social Contract"  Are Indispensable Fundaments  Of A Healthy Society | image tagged in the common good,the general welfare,a truly social contract,prerequisites for a healthy society | made w/ Imgflip meme makerBest first

"The Common Good,""The General Welfare" And A Truly "Social Contract" Are Indispensable

0 ups, 9h
Freedom is much sweeter! Nothing wrong with competition, incentive, work ethic, goals. People should not share equally because people do not contribute equally. The common good is only good for the lazy who want to leech off others. This would never be without someone taking advantage. Say no to socialism/communism. It is a trap to enslave you and take away your autonomy. I am not a group, I am an individual who values freedom above all!
0 ups, <1h div="">1h>

I agree with you.

Within normal limits there is "nothing wrong with competition, incentive, work ethic, goals."

However, "The Common Good" Is not "only good for the lazy who want to leech off others."

"The Common Good" is indispensable for widespread prosperity and even political stability.

"The Pitchforks Are Coming For Us Billionaires," Amazon Financier Nick Hanauer

Joined at the hip to "The Common Good" is "The General Welfare" which, ever since the beginning of The United States of America, has been embedded in the cornerstone of American governance.

We may not like that "The General Welfare" is embedded in "the platform" that supports the United States of America, but there it is.

"The Preamble of the Constitution" --- in effect, "the mission statement" of America's foundational document --- seeks to "promote the general welfare."https://www.uscourts.gov/about-federal-courts/educational-resources/about-educational-outreach/activity-resources/us

There are 52 words in The Preamble and 8% of them are devoted to "The General Welfare."

Of course, no one is obliged to believe The Preamble, but it is hard to be a "card-carrying American" without subscribing to the Constitution's introductory "statement of purpose."

In related vein...

On both sides of the political aisle, we witness widespread astonishment that "the other side" could possibly "think what they think" and "believe what they believe."

To learn how this radical division between "the two sides" came into existence, here is an illuminating article.

How The Values Of "Strict Father" -- Or "Nurturant Parent" -- Control Our Political Views

I will conclude by citing an observation by Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu (c. 600 B.C.) who said "the profoundest truths are paradoxical." In effect, Lao Tzu observed that important truths seldom follow straight, logical lines but tend to be quirky and frequently contradict "common sense."

And so it is that the path to widespread prosperity -- the kind of prosperity that can support a large "middle class" -- abounds with paradox.


"The Effects Of Economic Inequality"

In uncommon times, we need uncommon sense.

0 ups, 2h,
1 reply
This country was founded on the concept of FREEDOM and INDIVIDUAL rights! When individual rights are trampled for your so called "common good", it tears at the very fabric of America and what she stands for. By that alone, Socialism has no place in America. Socialism restricts an individuals rights and freedoms! You can dance around that all you want and post links that fit your construct all day long, but you cannot explain how Socialism belongs in a country that's very foundation is FREEDOM. America=Individual FREEDOM, Socialism/Communism=GROUP CONTROL and RETRICTION. It is oil and water. THEY do not MIX!
0 ups, 1h,
1 reply
Promotion of "The General Welfare" is written in The Preamble to The Constitution.

I realize it's overwhelmingly likely you'll cling to your belief, but your belief is one thing and The Preamble is another.

0 ups, <1h div="">1h>
Promotion of the General Welfare does not mean seize private property and redistribute it to the masses. Promotion does not mean GIVE SOLEY UNTO. Individual rights and freedoms is promoting the General Welfare. Each individual has the rights and freedom to pursue happiness. You take one small group of words and twist it to try to open the door for SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM. There is no door open in the Constitution of the United States for a political movement to seize control of American's property and force them to adopt a commune like lifestyle! That is a violation of all the Constitution stands for! It will not happen without a fight here in America! We are the LAND of the FREE! Why not go to Venezuela or China if you like to be controlled by your Government so much. Stop trying to change the very fabric of AMERICA!

0 ups, <1h div="">
"Force them to adopt a commune like lifestyle..."

I'm reasonably certain you have no idea just how crazy that sounds.

The fact that it sounds so crazy is in direct proportion to your need to evoke non-existent "threats" as the only way to make your case about the ubiquitous "dangers" of "socialism and communism."

In Canada, Australia and New Zealand, and in many European countries - what is called "Democratic Socialism" -- has resulted in higher levels of happiness than we have in the United States where most folks on the right side of the aisle -- and all the Trumpistas I know -- live in fear that someone will break into their homes or shoot them.

Perhaps y'all agree with John Lennon's line "happiness is a warm gun."

By my lights you guys are mostly crazy.

And here's the proof:

The Key Question
If ever more guns make America safer,
why are we not already the safest country in the the world?
Instead, we are the most dangerous "developed" nation on earth.
If you do not have an answer, ask yourself, "Why not?"

"Gun Cartoons and Gun Violence Bibliography"

As someone who spends considerable time in Europe, I know -- as native Europeans do -- that I am, in fact, happier and safer on the other side of the Atlantic than I am in the United States of Barbaria.

In any event I want to thank you for giving me opportunity to contrast your manifest extremism with my measured, well-informed analysis.

Anything to "get the word out."

Thanks for your help accomplishing my goal.

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