Channel: Pax on both houses
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Why Has There Been Next-To-No Coverage Of This "Obvious" Impeachment Possibility?


Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman Explains Why Republicans Are Qualitatiely Worst Than Scrooge


Pelosi's Best Move Might Be To Keep Articles Of Impeachment "In Her Pocket" Forever

Here is how I answer the question posed in my subject line...

We've heard nothing about a "House Pocket Veto" because "media consolidation," and the consequent fact that "media consolidators" -- chiefly Comcast, The Walt Disney Company, AT&T and ViacomCBS -- are in the business of "selling papers." 

Therefore, these profiteers "do what the stock market does": First they "run a story up" and then they "run the story down" and then they "repeat the cycle" to insure an emotional "horse race" rather than proportionate reporting and measured judgment. (Thomas Aquinas said that sin is always accompanied by three traits, one of which is "loss of proportion/perspective.")

In large part, big money media profiteers work their disintegrative black magic by incorporating right-wing fringe groups into the mainstream discussion, insuring ever more disproportion and "seismic upheaval" in "the level playing field. 

One of fourteen thousand (14,000) provable lies SOBMF has told since Inauguration Day

At the bottom of this email, please see the post in which John Oliver dramatizes the deliberate, emphatic propagation of bullshit. 

The propagation of lunatic disproportion by Consolidated Media (aka Conglomerate Media) falls under the rubric of "Normalizing Derangement," a significant subset of which is the propaganda effort to persuade the uneducated that "Opinion Trumps Truth."


The rest of the world considers the United States crazy because we are.

But crazier still is the fact -- plain as potatoes -- that we deliberately drove ourselves nuts and now the nation is in a position where restoring health to The Body Politic is as difficult as restoring workable sanity to a schizophrenic. 

Returning to the particular issue in hand...

Here is the only other reference to a "House pocket veto" I've come across. (I uploaded this post in July).

House-Only Impeachment (Without Taking The Process To The Senate)

When I learned of the "House Pocket Veto" from this one-and-only press reference, I immediately said to myself "Of course! What a great way to bring ignominy on the mofo without the Senate "exonerating him without invoking subsequent cockstrutting by chest-thumping knuckle-dragger." 

But the fact that there was no other reference in the media --- coupled with the fact that I could not even google confirmation --- lead me to doubt the accuracy of the information. 
Concentration Of Media Ownership

The Guardian: "John Oliver's Viral Video Is The Best Global Warming Debate You'll Ever See"






To repeat:  "We deliberately drove ourselves nuts and now the nation is in a position where restoring health to The Body Politic is as difficult as restoring sanity to a schizophrenic." I am not using hyperbole in this assessment. I am referring to rudimentary matter-of-fact.


Political lunacy has been normalized for so long now --- arguably as long as humankind has existed --- that it is very difficult to 1.) "name the beast," and 2.) if someone names it, not to be laughed out of town. 

Time Out Of Mind, "Deep State Plutocracy" Is The Enduring Conspiracy. Warfare And Racial Animus Is The Decoy

And so, "we are where we are."


Although Ted Cruz and Kellyanne Conway said all the following things, it is also true that both these miscreants have their heads so far up Trump's ass they've already bumped into McConnell, Graham, Gohmert, Goetz, Jordan, Lee, Alex Jones, "Q," Hannity, O'Reilly, Fox and Friends, "Bowtie" and all the other pimps.




Just "talking with these people" normalizes our political psychosis.


Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Trump And His Cultists' Passion For Lying And Falsehood

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