Here is a photo of good friends Pedro (co-owner of ERI) and master mechanic Tano.
Today, when I mentioned my unease over a recent "life event" Pedro said, "Amigo Alan, no te preocupes. Ya sabes que mientras Dios me da vida yo te saco de cualquier problema."
And he means it.
Some years ago, I helped Tano's wife prepare for her U.S. citizenship exam and, out of friendship and gratitude, he comes to my home to fix my car right in the driveway.
Like everyone else, I feel the national upheaval over immigration.
My view is two-fold.
All these "mostly Native American" people have prior claim to being here.
I also believe Hispanics will contribute mightily to the re-weaving of our threadbare social fabric.
I would not be surprised if latinos'epic generosity, good cheer, hard work (often laboring at jobs that native-born Americans shun) -- coupled with their buoyant celebration of Life -- prove decisive In our national resurrection.