![Image result for gun producing companies](http://thumbor.forbes.com/thumbor/960x0/https%3A%2F%2Fblogs-images.forbes.com%2Fniallmccarthy%2Ffiles%2F2017%2F12%2F20161211_Arms_Companies.jpg)
Alan: Decades ago, "holier-than-thou,""purist" liberals started to make me wince.
None of us is as innocent as they pretended.
If your retirement plan is invested (as most are) in ETFs (Exchange-Traded-Mutual-Funds), the chances are overwhelming that YOUR money has a share in utterly nefarious companies.
Make no mistake.
Capitalism's tentacles are everywhere.
In spotlighting these things, I do not disclaim my own inevitable dose of collusional behavior with capitalist pigs.
None of us is as innocent as they pretended.
If your retirement plan is invested (as most are) in ETFs (Exchange-Traded-Mutual-Funds), the chances are overwhelming that YOUR money has a share in utterly nefarious companies.
Make no mistake.
Capitalism's tentacles are everywhere.
In spotlighting these things, I do not disclaim my own inevitable dose of collusional behavior with capitalist pigs.
You Might Be Invested In Gun Stocks
Here's how to tell.
![Image result for "pax on both houses"capitalist pig](http://media2.policymic.com/884bf478bb6a50758bff7c5e01ea6652.png)
![Image result for "pax on both houses"capitalist pig](http://www.lookingattheleft.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/110511_32631.jpg)
![Image result for "pax on both houses"capitalist pig](http://patriceayme.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/malcom-x.jpg)
![Image result for "pax on both houses" the 1](http://i.imgflip.com/183qlz.jpg)