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Facebook Correspondent Defends Non-Racist Trumpistas; I Fault Them

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AC: I know numerous Trump supporters and none of them are white supremacists or even racist. I don't care for the man. However, I am frustrated by people generalizing Trump supporters as racist. It is just as bad as any other generalization... Racists will likely be conservatives but that doesn't make conservatives racists.

Alan Archibald: Trump is an unkind and frequently cruel person who devotes himself to political revenge, simultaneously going out of his way to denigrate people of color. 

I do not know the percentage of Trump supporters who fall prey to his mean-spiritedness and relentless efforts to inflame the lesser angels of our nature.

Trump has managed to normalize reference to black people (specifically NFL players) as “sons of bitches,” while lauding thug-dictators who hold democracy in contempt.

Trump’s racism, misogyny and small-minded bigotry merge in his disparagement of four non-white women in the House of Representatives. Devious Donald’s never-ending attempts to trash them rely on false witness and innuendo even more toxic than his routine denigration of women as “pigs” and “dogs.”

The man (to use the term loosely) is not a fit role model for American children, nor for any children. 

To pretend otherwise smacks of the same child abuse that Trump and his agents perpetually perpetrate along the Mexican border, cheered on by "worse than racist" supporters who have fallen through his narcissistic looking glass.

The fact that you fail to recognize Trump’s low-life vility, psycho-spiritual twistedness and off-the-chart derangement are measures of his spellbinding duplicity and deceit.

You have been suckered by an authoritarian just as autocrats  have seduced gullible followers time out of mind.

Note well.

When Trump crashes and burns — as he will in the next few years —even you (like cult followers of cock-strutters before him) will turn on your former idol, aping “the good Germans” who pleaded: “But we didn’t know he was doing all those terrible things!”

Image result for "pax on both houses", trump inciting to violence

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