!["We canât be only upset with Trump. His policies are bad, but many of the people who came before him also had really bad policies. They just | made w/ Imgflip meme maker](http://i.imgflip.com/365keh.jpg)
Thank you George Will, professor emeritus of American Conservatism.
This generation of “conservatives” is too benighted to comprehend the light.
Here's the key bit:
...See MoreAlan Archibald: One of your dishonest tricks is to "pull numbers out of thin air" in order to make your weak case look strong.
Show me one single link indicating that "thousands of Islamic immigrants are speaking out to condemn Representative Ilhan Omar of Minnesota."
Just one.
Similarly, show me one link that "millions of African and Hispanic Americans and Jews are so fed up with AOC's racist rhetoric that they are finally standing up and walking away from a party that's deeply betrayed them."
Just one link Karen.
Just one.
When you make this stuff up -- and go so far as to spout bogus numbers - you reveal the essential falsehood of your "fact-finding" method.
Simultaneously, you offer continual assurance that you are - above all - interested in "Truth" - the whole truth, nothing but the truth.
So I'm sure you won't do it again. Isn't that right?
In future you will always provide corroborating links.
Welcome to fact-finding, truth-telling Reality.
On the other side of the fence, here is how Fox News lies about Rep. Ilhan Omar. (And you lap it up like a lap dog.)
Snopes Probes Rep. Omar's Foul Mouth: How Fox News Takes Tiny Truths And Twists Them Into Gargantuan Lies
https://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2019/07/snopes-foul-mouthed-omar-how-fox-news.htmlC'mon Karen!
Your turn.
Show us where this Snopes probe of Fox's slander is false or mistaken.
Explain how Fox News was not utterly dishonest and panderingly-slanderous in taking a tiny truth and twisting it into a gargantuan lie.
Tyranny's Best-Kept Secret: It's All About Epistemology
Trump, Obama, Intellectual Rigor And Teasing Out Truth: What Golf Tells Us
https://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2019/07/trump-obama-intellectual-rigor-and.htmlAn aside...
In another of your A.M. comments you urge me not to pay attention to fact-finding organizations and, to this end, you single out Snopes.
Let me bring you up to speed on Snopes.
Last year I participated in lengthy dialogue with a Trumpista "conservative" who was similarly invested in impeaching Snopes credibility.
Over a period of months, I urged this fellow to provide me with three links showing that Snopes had substantively misreprented the truth (on ANY political issue) without publicly correcting their error.
He never -- despite a dozen requests -- provided a single link.
He didn't because he couldn't.
Snopes is a remarkably trustworthy organization which will always correct its rare mistakes.
I make this same challenge to you in full confidence that you will be unable to provide a single link of uncorrected error BECAUSE SNOPES IS A TRUTHFUL ORGANIZATION.
And, notably, you will not publicize your discovery of Snopes' truthfulness because to do so would discombobulate the encompassing matrix of falsehood and "confirmation bias" in which you live.
"Confirmation Bias And The Power Of Disconfirming Evidence"
At minimum, your inability to provide me one link is the kind of "credibility proof" that you should personally accept rather than resorting to the fetid bullshit circulating on QAnonsense - the world's foremost purveyor of "confirmation bias."
You would also benefit -- as would everyone in your social circle -- from paying less attention to Jeffrey Epstein (who admittedly deserves attention) and paying (relatively) more attention to Fox News to realize its bone-deep commitment to pimping political pornography.
Fox and their right-wing thralls pimp substantive falsehood, and they pimp it ALL THE TIME.
It's Faux News' daily bread.
You will likely take offense at this assertion of pimping/pandering -- but will simultaneously provide goosestepping support for whoremonger-cheat-misogynist-racist-authoritarian-all-round-sleaze, claiming he deserves a "mulligan."
Stephen Colbert's Monologue About Trump's Racism Is His Best Work Ever
https://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2019/07/stephen-colberts-monologue-about-trumps.htmlReprise: Must-See Mash-Up Of Trump's Racism
A History Of Trump's Incitation Of Violence
http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2019/04/trump-incites-violence.htmlHere's God's Truth Karen.
Giving Trump a mulligan is the precise equivalent of giving Larry Nassar a weekend pass to a girls' Gymnastics Camp.