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Epstein, Trump And Clinton: Is There Trustworthy Evidence About Their Sexual Preferences?

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Of course, Bill Clinton could get caught up in this too.
But Slick Willy has never exhibited fondness for underage girls, whereas whoremonger has done so often - including lubricious comments about his own daughter.
Although the following late-night shtick does not aspire after intellectual rigor in journalism, it is nevertheless cringeworthy.
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Now-former Labor Secretary Alexa Acosta's abrupt departure from the White House Friday morning is reportedly the result of Trump "stewing" about further disclosures. "There would just continue to be disclosures," a senior official told CNN's Jim...
  • FM: That's laughable, pathetic fiction. There were underage girls on all of the flights he took to Child Rape Island. Stop trying to turn this into a partisan issue, this is how our world works. You want power, you do depraved things and you are recorded for mutually assured blackmail. STOP IT! Bill Clinton is a child molester and serial rapist, period. I hate that I ever voted for that POS, but I'm thankful I wised up in time to not vote for his shitty war criminal wife.

    Also, Markos Moulitsas is ClA trash. He's one of those "Oh, I did the training but decided it wasn't for me, so I created a web site that suddenly became a huge deal out of nowhere, la di friggin da." 

    If Trump were guilty in this mess, why would he say we should find out who all went to that island? Why would he give that backhanded complement (at best) about how JE "likes em young?" Putting your chips in on this bet is a big loser. Put your loyalty towards truth and then the revelations to come will be a lot less painful. Expect Bill to suddenly "have health problems" as the walls close in.
    • Alan Archibald I remember when you took offense at my use of the word "Trumpista."

      "Bill Clinton is a child molester and serial rapist." Now those are strong words in the absense of proof and in light of presumed innocence.

      Yes, I think there's pretty good evidence that Clinton raped at least one woman, but I don't think he's into underage girls. 

      Epstein is. 

      And the evidence suggests Trump is too - he's even lascivious with his own daughter!. 

      Don't Forget: Donald Trump Wants To Bang His Daughter
      Trevor Noah

      As for Trump saying we should find out who went to the island... 

      Trump will say ANYTHING. Plus, he's bullet proof - and he knows he's bulletproof. He's abolutely certain his base wont turn on him. And with good reason. 

      Not only can whoremonger-solipsist-cheater-in-chief shoot somebody on 5th Avenue and get away with it.

      Trump could rape a14 year old girl on 5th Avenue and not lose any votes. 

      The QAnonsense people will rationalize ANY goddam thing.. 


      I have no interest in exculpating Bill Clinton of any crime he's committed. 

      Twice I've posted that if Slick Willy is proven guilty, throw him in the (metaphorical) wood chipper. 

      I fail to see where my disposition suggests I'm trying to protect Clinton. 

      I just don't think Slick Willy's into young girls. 

      Most men aren't. 

      That said, I think Trump is into young girls. 

      The sonofabtich doesn't give squat whose pussy he grabs. 

      It's Not That The Assholes Are Uninterested In Truth. 
      They Are Hostile To Truth.

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