Alan: The following email was sent me by friend Patrick O'Neill who co-operates Garner North Carolina's "Catholic Worker House."
In recent years Patrick has devoted much time and energy to the Plowshares movement - particularly as it relates to activism at the Nuclear Submarine Station in King's Bay, Georgia.
King's Bay I:
King's Bay II:

Patrick's Email, June 21, 2019:
This recent publication from the pentagon on nuclear operations is the first such document in 14 years, so it seemed worth it to share it w y'all. it was taken down from the pentagon online site after a week, but someone from the federation of American scientists downloaded the document before it was removed. Steven Aftergood, the person who downloaded the document bevore it was removed, said thaty "is very much concei ved as a war-fighting doctrine - not simply a deterrence doctrine, and that's unsettling." Here is a link to that document (it's long, about 60 pages):
There has been a flurry of news articles about this. Here is one from the guardian

Thomas Merton: Adolf Eichmann, Sanity And Normality