Mueller and Pelosi, what a combo of competing agendas. What is it that is keeping Pelosi from investigating possibly criminal behavior in the White House? Is it a fear that 45 will deliver on his threat to not relinquish the office? He has, already, threatened to call forth his minions to defend him from the invisible empire, so her fears, if fears they are, are not unfounded. But, impeachment didn't drive Nixon from the job, it was the investigations that promised to prove he should be impeached. So go ahead and investigate is what I think Mueller said today. He is willing to call 45's bluff.
Mueller was a combat Marine. He knows officers and he knows enlisted (or so he believes). Officers take an oath to defend the Constitution, while enlisted take an oath to obey their commanders, including the commander in chief. So, it comes down to who reads the snuffies right, Mueller or Pelosi, and I go with Mueller. Investigate and crush the SOB!