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Hillary's Missing Emails: The Fuel For Trumpistas' Always "Bubbling Over Pot"

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Mueller and Pelosi, what a combo of competing agendas. What is it that is keeping Pelosi from investigating possibly criminal behavior in the White House? Is it a fear that 45 will deliver on his threat to not relinquish the office? He has, already, threatened to call forth his minions to defend him from the invisible empire, so her fears, if fears they are, are not unfounded. But, impeachment didn't drive Nixon from the job, it was the investigations that promised to prove he should be impeached. So go ahead and investigate is what I think Mueller said today. He is willing to call 45's bluff.
Mueller was a combat Marine. He knows officers and he knows enlisted (or so he believes). Officers take an oath to defend the Constitution, while enlisted take an oath to obey their commanders, including the commander in chief. So, it comes down to who reads the snuffies right, Mueller or Pelosi, and I go with Mueller. Investigate and crush the SOB!

  • FM:  Mueller flipped (back to the good guys) the day he met Trump to "interview for the FBI Director" position which he was ineligible to serve because of term limits. He wasn't brought in (and he didn't ask to, despite Trump's tweet) for that job. He was brought in to play See More
    UNREAL: Complete List of Mueller's Record and It Ain't Pretty - David Harris Jr
    UNREAL: Complete List of Mueller's Record and It Ain't Pretty - David…

    • FM: AA and TM The following starts with documents dated 5/6/2019. Did you settle for the 4th hit or the tweeter, and not bother searching the FBI Vault itself? 

    • Alan Archibald to FM: As I read the FBI link you posted, I note reference to missing "Hillary emails" and "inappropriate communication of classified information." 

      Four things... 

      1.) NPR concludes Hillary probably did not break the letter of the law. https://www.npr.org/.../fact-check-hillary-clinton-those... (And if the MSP isn't reliable, consider the alternative: "What Do Trump, QAnon And Lou Gehrig's Disease Have In Common?" - http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.../what-do-trump...)

      2.) If Hillary did break the law, I consider her "sin""venial" not "mortal." 

      When Nixon was toppled by "the missing 18 minutes," the issue was not that "18 minutes" were missing. However, the existence of the elision prompted Americans -- aided by The Press -- to "fill in the gap" with details of Nixon's felony robbery at Watergate.

      If I overlooked an FBI file item of greater significance please cut and paste that item (or items) into your reply to my comments. Thanks.

      Consider Jared and Ivanka's similar behavior: 

      A pertinent sidelight: Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Use Private Accounts for Official ...
      Mar 21, 2019 - Jared Kushner, President Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser. ... Mr. Trump made Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while she ...

      3.) Since Trump himself considers the FBI "treasonous," should Americans -- and more specifically, should Trumpistas -- rely on the views of a treasonous agency that's a cornerstone of "The Deep State?" To me it seems you "can't have your cake and eat it too."

      4.) Although "Item #4" is only tangentially pertinent, the FBI is the same organization that chose to focus "the Steele dossier," an information source that I -- and lifelong Republican James Comey (who probably threw the election to Trump with his 11th hour pall over Hillary) -- consider "fair game."

      "James Comey Defends FBI's Use Of Steele Dossier"

      NPR: "Did FBI Director James Comey's Clinton Email Announcement Break The Law?"
      Fact Check: Hillary Clinton, Those Emails And The Law
      Fact Check: Hillary Clinton, Those Emails And The Law
      Fact Check: Hillary Clinton, Those Emails And The Law

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