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Angela Merkel Warns Against The "Dark Forces" On The Rise In Europe

German Chancellor Angela Merkel Says "Dark Forces" Are On The Rise | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Angela Merkel Warns Against The "Dark Forces" On The Rise In Europe

"In recent days, German Jews were warned by a leading government official not to wear kippahs in public, following a rise in anti-Semitic attacks. Addressing the rise in anti-Semitism, Merkel said that Germany has "always had a certain number of anti-Semites among us, unfortunately."

"There is to this day not a single Synagogue not a single daycare center for Jewish children, not a single school for Jewish children that does not need to be guarded by German policemen," she added."
Alan: Fascism is an intermittent blight. 

Tragically, fascists are too addled (see Dunning-Kruger below) to see that "the shoe fits them perfectly," believing instead that they are a salvific people -- "set apart" and uniquely "blessed by God" -- a people whose very goodness and exceptional insight -- make them  "cognoscenti," members of a sacred, rarefied "brotherhood" without whom the survival of Truth, Justice and Goodness would be impossible. 

Mark Twain, Adolf Hitler And The Dunning-Kruger Effect

Alan: A subset of "Dunning-Kruger" is that fascists never know they're fascists: they think they've been sent by God. Then, when the fever passes - typically in 20 years of less - they play the role of "Good Germans" who "didn't know what was really going on."

New York Times Interviews David Dunning, Co-Author Of The Dunning-Kruger Effect 

McArthur Wheeler: Patron Saint Of American "Conservatism"


Stupidity For Dummies: The Study Of Ignorance Helps Understand How Intelligence Works

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"Trumpistas Don't Just Lie, They're Antagonistic To Truth" 

It's Not Just That Trump And His Lickspittles Lie: They Lie More Brazenly Than Satan Himself

Scott Pruitt: How Conservatives Use Decontextualized Shards Of Truth To Tell HUGE Lies

Image result for "pax on both houses" trump ignorant

John Kennedy Jr. Is Alive... And He's Trump's Biggest Fan! QAnon: The Evanescence Of Sanity, And The Catastrophic Collapse Of American "Conservatism"


Ted Nugent Reveals The Essential Piggishness Of The Good Christians'"Party Of Family Values"

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