Full Throttle Toward Impeachment: Democrats Can Avoid Trump's Trap - If They Seize The Moment
This is not a moment for dithering or political calculation. Only a frontal assault can bring down Donald Trump
Alan: Defining the duration of an impeachment process depends... well... on definition.
If we assume that the House Judiciary Committee's recommendation for a full impeachment inquiry marks the outset of an impeachment process, and the final congressional vote on articles of impeachment is the end date of the impeachment process, Clinton's impeachment process took 5 months, whereas Nixon's process was in its 15th month when Nixon resigned prior to the Senate's final vote.
To impart optimum force to the Democratic Party's desire to convict Trump of an impeachable offense - and assuming that history will more or less repeat itself -- the House Judiciary Committee should not bring articles of impeachment formal declaration of articles of impeachment until 5 months prior to next November's election.
Such "timing" will ensure that Trump will be preoccupied with impeachment hearings during the full three months prior to Election Day which is when John Q. Public finally starts to pay attention "the horse race."
However, if commencement of impeachment proceedings so late in the election cycle violates The Hatch Act, then impeachment would need to begin as early as possible with a plan in place to prolong hearings as long as possible.
And if impeachment proceedings must pause at some point in order to comply with the Hatch Act or some other legal ruling, the Democrats must be prepared to continue publicizing inculpatory evidence from the time such pause begins until Election Day.
At all costs, impeachment proceedings are NOT conclude until after Election Day.
At all costs, there can be no pre-Election Day exoneration of Donald Trump.
Yes, my timeline plays politics.
Furthermore, playing politics in this fashion is exactly what I recommend for The Democratic Party.