Despite its stated intention to "lock her up," the Trump administration has found no actionable evidence against Hillary... or her campaign members... or her colleagues in the Obama administration.
If they had, why are there NO indictments, especially after controling every branch of government during the first two years of his administration?
Five dimensional chess by the inimitable genius who will soon topple The Deep State?
On the other hand, the Mueller Probe found gobs of evidence against members of the Trump campaign... and the Trump administration... and some 20 of Trump's people including Trump's campaign manager and top members of his administration. Not only have they been found guilty (or confessed to their crimes), they have been locked up.
Here's an informative article from The Atlantic, arguably America's best fact-checked magazine.
Echoes of Clinton Emails in the Mueller Report
We also bear witness to Trump's felonious activity in The Trump University scandal - and the "shocking pattern of illegality" in The Trump Foundation.
Donald Trump, Felon: Re-Visiting Trump University
Trump Foundation Will Dissolve, Accused Of "Shocking Pattern of Illegality"
No wonder you take refuge in the excrescence of QAnon: