$ 0 0 Sodom and Gomorrah from the Nuremberg Chronicle by Hartmann Schedel, 1493. Lot's wife, already transformed into a salt pillar, is in the center.Alan ArchibaldApril 15 at 11:55 PM · Occupy DemocratsKudos to Pres. Carter for speaking the Gospel of TRUTH!April 15 at 6:50 PM · Follow Occupy Democrats for more!3Mia Frenduto, Leigh Sturman and 1 other5 Comments1 ShareLikeShow more reactionsCommentShareCommentsKK: Jesus had a lot to say about sexual immorality of any kind to whoever was listening. He didn't need to point out Sodom and Gamorrah other than to remind us all through His teaching it would be what the world looks like when He returns and that such a …See MoreDelete or hide thisLikeShow more reactions · Reply · 6dKK: You might want to check out what the Lord Himself is speaking to the Church of Thyatira compared to what He was saying to Philadelphia and Smyrna. Of course there are 4 other churches who receive a rebuke there but to Thyatira He clearly says "I gave her space to repent but she did not" and is talking about that "Jezebel" who teachers His servants to commit fornication.. Take time to read that story again in the Old Testament.. about Jezebel who exalted her false god baal, stoned any prophet who dared oppose her, led all the dumbest of the sheep to follow in her steps until finally one day the prophet Elijah returned to prove to them all who GOD really IS .. not just a wannabe god like baal or whoever wanted to give him power over the Almighty Himself. Whatever alias he chooses in any age? He's the same old same old liar he's been from the day he deceived the first woman who believed him over the Creator Himself.Delete or hide thisLikeShow more reactions · Reply · 6dAlan Archibald Life - even in the bible - is more complicated than "conservative" Christians would like to believe, or perhaps I should say "need" to believe. Their determination to "keep it simple" -- ascending every soapbox to proclaim "God said it. I believe it. That settles it." -- is a postur…See MoreEdit or delete thisPAXONBOTHHOUSES.BLOGSPOT.COMTwo Prostitutes Were Direct Ancestors Of Jesus: Tamar And Rahab, The…Two Prostitutes Were Direct Ancestors Of Jesus: Tamar And Rahab, The Harlot Of Jericho1LikeShow more reactions · Reply · Remove Preview · 3dKK: it's true two prostitutes were ancestors.. actually not sure of any but one .. Rahab the harlot.. she ended up marrying the father of Boaz if I remember right.. you can be sure she'd have totally repented from her own wrong, sinful life style just like Mary Magdalene had. The Lord comes down hard on those who persisted in going in every wrong way after the ways of the "gentile nations" around them. Constantly the true prophets were calling the people to repentance and warning them of the kind of discipline they were about to receive for rejecting that call to turn back to the right way. The only time we hear about homosexual behavior in the Old Testament it has to do with warnings about how God dealt with the cities of Sodom and Gamorrah. Jesus taught that in the last days the world would be come so evil, so wicked that men would call evil good and good evil. The judgment will be the same on the world in the end of time as it had been on Sodom and Gamorran and as it had been on the people in the Days of Noah when men's thoughts had become continuously wicked to the extent that God said He was sorry he had ever created man. the only time the apostles talk about sexual immorality in the New Testament is to say it's forbidden and never to be named once as becoming saints who are followers of Jesus. The people were warned to not take lightly the commandments and that if we are loving God for real we won't. We are called to live our lives like Jesus lived His. Paul clearly calls out whoever exchanges the natural "use" of our bodies for what he identified as being totally unacceptable behavior for those who were sharing communion within the fellowship of the churches in Rome and throughout the "pagan" and "heathen" countries where it had been practiced .. this wasn't to say that those who had been living that lifestyle couldn't be forgiven, cleansed and fully restored as so many have throughout the ages. in Israel homosexuality was a foreign concept. it wasn't practiced by anyone at all openly which is why Jesus didn't talk about it.. Jesus so raised the standard for sexual purity and faithfulness to one spouse so high that he told me that if they lusted after women it would be better to pluck out their eye and that to lust after another man's wife was the same as if he were already to have committed the act of adultery.. his call was for us to be morally clean and holy not to indulge in sinful behavior like the "gentiles" had considered normal. It's only the Lord Himself who can make us clean. That's His promise and why it is He chose the cross as the means of redemption for all who really see and understand that cost and come to know and love Him so we won't turn back to wrong and evil ways.Delete or hide thisLikeShow more reactions · Reply · 6h · EditedAlan Archibald Here is Ezekiel's explanation of Sodom's sin.http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.../the-sin-of-sodom...Why is it that conservative Christians always drone on about carnal sins while blowing off spiritual sins that are so much more central to humankind's plight?I mean they just "blow them off."Pretend they're not even there.On the other hand, conservative Christians NEVER pretend carnal sin isn't there.Carnal sin is their daily bread.It's what they feed on.But carnal second is secondary. (We don't even think about gluttony or Trump's greed which St. Paul calls "the root of ALL evil."Chesterton observed that "Religion is putting first things first."Well how about it?How about reversing the two visions of "Sodom's sin" so that the carnal/homosexual vision becomes as completely ignored as you (and most conservative Christians) have ignored Ezekiel's vision?How about spending the rest of your life focusing Sodom's sin as Ezekiel "saw it" while blowing off your obsession with carnality and homosexuality as represented in Genesis?Until now, it appears you've had no trouble ignoring Ezekiel's vision.Edit or delete thisPAXONBOTHHOUSES.BLOGSPOT.COM"The Sin Of Sodom" According To Ezekiel"The Sin Of Sodom" According To EzekielLikeShow more reactions · Reply · Remove Preview · 1m