Inside the Trump financial statements that Cohen unveiled
-- Trump inflated his net worth to lenders and potential business partners by producing “Statements of Financial Condition” that included a number of errors about his financial holdings. David A. Fahrenthold and Jonathan O'Connell report:
- The documents, which ran up to 20 pages in length, often omitted information about Trump’s debts or exaggerated the properties he owned. “Trump’s financial statement for 2011 said he had 55 home lots to sell at his golf course in Southern California. Those lots would sell for $3 million or more, the statement said. But Trump had only 31 lots zoned and ready for sale at the course, according to city records. He claimed credit for 24 lots — and at least $72 million in future revenue — he didn’t have. He also claimed his Virginia vineyard had 2,000 acres, when it really has about 1,200. He said Trump Tower has 68 stories. It has 58.”
- Both the House Oversight Committee and investigators in New York are probing whether Trump’s reliance on these documents could constitute fraud. “Earlier this month, the New York state Department of Financial Services subpoenaed records from Trump’s longtime insurer, Aon. A person familiar with that subpoena ... said ‘a key component’ was questions about whether Trump had given Aon these documents in an effort to lower his insurance premiums.” The probes stemmed from testimony last month by Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen.
- “Financial and legal experts said it’s unclear at this point whether Trump will face any legal consequences. They said it depends on whether Trump intended to mislead or whether the misstatements caused anyone to give him a financial benefit.”
Slimy Trump's Financial Statements Repeatedly Lie About His Worth - And His Debts