$ 0 0 President Trump’s Desperate, Nonsensical Claim That Mexico Is Paying For The WallMore than 200 times, Trump promised that Mexico would pay for the wall. Now he falsely says he's keeping his promise through the revised trade agreement with Mexico and Canada. That's bunk.By Glenn Kessler · Read more"Trump's Blinding Blizzard Of Bullshit": A Compendium Of Best "Pax" Postshttp://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2018/10/trumps-blinding-blizzard-of-bullshit.htmlEx-Trumpista Ann Coulter Lambastes Trump's "Joke Presidency Scam" - "No Legacy Whatsoever"https://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2018/12/ex-trumpista-ann-coulter-decries-trumps.htmlDavid Cay Johnston: "Trump Is Not A Loyal American... There Is A Traitor In The White House"http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2018/07/david-cay-johnston-trump-is-not-loyal.html