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Women Who Breastfeed Animals


1.Tori Amos suckling pig

Tori Amos is no Madonna, but she still knows how to make a statement. When she released Boys for Pele, she included an image of a piglet suckling on her breast (pictured above). The statement was heard; conservative America went into a tizzy. It’s been said the piglet experience inspired her to motherhood… but people say a lot of things.

2. Papua New Guinea women breastfeed pigs

What you’re looking at is considered normal among certain indigenous tribes throughout New GuineaAre the pigs getting hungry? No problem… Susan will go out and feed ‘em. In exchange, the pigs help out around the house. For instance, they’ll scour the sweet potato fields for scrap peelings and churn the soil in the process. Seems fair in my book.

3. The Woman Who Breastfeeds Her Cat

Janine Hammond took the idea of being a “cat lady” to a whole new level. She doesn’t keep a thousand cats like the typical cat lady… instead she’s made a habit of breastfeeding him. Then again, maybe she just has a thing for breastfeeding; she also suckles her guinea pig and pet shirehorse. The only one that doesn’t enjoy her breast milk is her newborn son.

4. Kate Garraway Posed Feeding a Calf to Promote a Documentary on Wet Nurses Called OtherPeople’s Breast Milk

Here’s food for thought: why is it accepted for a cow to breastfeed our children, while the idea of a woman breastfeeding a calf is seen as absurd? Does it violate the rules of nature? Why, then, are we giving our children cow milk if interspecies feeding is so appalling? These are some of the questions that Other People’s Breast Milk explores… and, as might be expected, there was massive outcry over the promo picture above.

5. Woman Breastfeeds Tigers

Here’s the story: three tiger cubs are born to a homicidal mother, who tears one to bloody shreds.Hla Htay, a zookeeper at Yangon Zoological Gardens, helps save the remaining two and volunteers to nurse them from her own breast. Touching story, no? As an aside, Htay has made it clear that she doesn’t plan to continue breastfeeding once the cubs grow teeth.

6. B
ishnoi Woman Breastfeeds Found Fawn

Vijay Luxmi Sau went to visit her parents out of town. She came home with a new addition to the family – a female baby fawn. Rumor has it that the fawn’s mother abandoned it when a pack ofstray dogs attacked. Vijay found the fawn scared and hungry; she began breastfeeding the fawn and brought the new “baby” home to her husband and 7 month old human child.

7. Woman breastfeeds bull terrier puppy

Kura “Kat” Tumanako has a baby girl (named Honey Pauline) and a bull terrier puppy. They’re like brother and sister… sort of. To make up for the differences in appearance, Kat is trying to solidify the brother-sister bond by breastfeeding them both. It remains to be seen whether the idea worked.

8. Woman Breastfeeds Endangered Golden Monkey

You can count the number of golden monkeys in the world on one hand. If it wasn’t for Mrs. Chen Yongiian, we would all have to fold over yet another finger. You see, when Didi (a newly born golden money) was rebuked by his mother it was feared he would develop a serious illness. Mrs. Youngiian agreed to feed the monkey indefinitely, diminishing the chance of his sickness.

9. Indian woman breastfeeds pet calf

Some people really love their pets. Chouthi Bai, an Indian from the Kilchu villageis one of them. Her pet calf is 23 days old in this picture, and has enjoyed breast milk every single one of them.

10. Woman Breastfeeds Puppy In South Africa

Teddy the dog is living the life. When he isn’t sleeping or running around, he’s busy drinkingNtswaki Nkabinde’s breast milk. In Nkabinde’s view, Teddy is part of the family and should be treated as such. The only problem is her family thinks she’s gone crazy but Nkabinde “[doesn’t] care what anyone says.”

11. Jennipher Alupot, forced to breastfeed the puppies of her husband’s hunting dogs

Jennipher Alupot was “earned” when her father traded her in marriage in exchange for two cows. Her new husband, now without a source of milk, would strap his wife to the bed and allow his hunting dogs to suckle her breast throughout the night. This sadistic ritual endured through 2 different childbirths – a total of 7 years – and Jennipher thinks her breast milk was contaminated in the process. Her third and youngest son died before his second birthday.

12. Awa Guaja Tribe Woman Breastfeeds Wild Animals

For the Awa Guaja tribe in the Brazilian Amazon basin, community means more than humans. It also includes monkeys, which are considered sacred animals. The monkeys are taken from their mothers after birth and grow up sleeping, playing and breastfeeding alongside human children.

13. The mother who Breastfeeds pet monkey

It’s hard to let motherhood go… just ask Namita Das. When her adult children flew the coop, she began breastfeeding her other “son” – a baby monkey. Namita’s husband found the monkey dying after a brutal storm hit. Namita nurtured it back to health, and continues to mother the orphaned animal like one of her own.

14. Amazonian Woman Breastfeeds Monkey

An indigenous woman nursing a Woolly monkey (Lagothrix lagotricha) in the Amazon rain forest. Curiously, it is not uncommon for indigenous women in the Amazon to breastfeed a young monkey whose mother has died. Often during hunting, the mother will be killed leaving behind her young. Indigenous Amazonians often adopt the young monkey as a pet, hence the women breastfeeding the monkey in the above picture

15. Pennsylvania Mountain Lady Breastfeeds Child and Deer

In the 1930’s, the “Pennsylvania Mountain Lady” epitomized the savage lifestyle of America’s hillbillies. But what’s so wrong about breastfeeding deer next to your child? Then again, don’t answer that.Hans Proebsting said...

Number 12 is more likely a New Guinea Highlander. Judging from the bilum being worn by the lady at the back, I would suspect West Papua. Definitely not Amazonian.

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