Channel: Pax on both houses
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Conservative Pundit, Ross Douthat, Summarizes Republican Strategy For 2016

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Alan: The GOP's unflinching determination to crash and burn is most disconcerting in that the party may destroy "everything" in its kamikaze dive.

Mark Lilla's, "Republicans For Revolution," is an eloquent investigation of the apocalyptic sentiment that has overtaken the GOP.  

Excerpt: "The real news on the American right is the mainstreaming of political apocalypticism. This has been brewing among intellectuals since the Nineties, but in the past four years, thanks to the right-wing media establishment and economic collapse, it has reached a wider public and transformed the Republican Party. How that happened would be a long story to tell, and central to it would be the remarkable transmutation of neoconservatism from intellectual movement to rabble-rousing Republican court ideology. The first neoconservatives were disappointed liberals like Irving Kristol and Nathan Glazer, who saw the failures of a large number of Great Society programs to deliver on the unrealistic expectations of its architects, and consequently began to appreciate the wisdom of certain conservative assumptions about human nature and politics." 

Conservative pundits are furious at Lilla for having rubbed their noses in the same feces the newly-un-potty-trained have flung. Consider: http://s-usih.org/2012/01/mark-lillas-truly-awful-review-of-corey.html

Absent qualitative change in The Republican Party's view of women, blacks and Hispanics (be they legal or illegal) it is a smash-face truth that the GOP will never again win The White House --- and within two decades will no longer hold The House, much less the Senate.

In effect, American conservatives are absolutists who, for the first time, confront need to acknowledge relativity.

An existential crisis if ever there was one.


"People of privilege will always risk their complete destruction rather than surrender any material part of their advantage."     

Currently, "people of privilege" means angry white men.
They are "angry" in the sense of "mad." 
Clinically mad.
Spoiling for a fight... and ready to kill.
Even themselves.
They will do anything but relinquish power.
Whether by "commission" or "omission" they will kill in a heartbeat.

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