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Dennis Prager and White Supremacy


The embodiment of white supremacy.
Dennis Prager's concubine.

Dear Fred,

The world is re-calibrating and the chief characteristic of re-calibration is that white guys no longer run the show.

Like most "conservatives," Dennis Prager thinks white guys deserve to rule the roost. 

Whether or not we are deserving, "White Restoration" isn't going to happen.

White hegemony is over. (Or soon will be.)

To pretend - or to hope - that "white supremacy" can be re-constituted is delusional, as delusional as Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik who saw existential need to defend whiteness from "brown"  incursion. 

The eventual lineaments of global re-calibration are necessarily indeterminate.

Here are the possibilities. 

1.) China will emerge as the new hegemon.  

2.) The planet will embark planetary federalization. 

3.) White guys will provoke World War III to avoid realignment with a world order in which they are no longer #1. (“People of privilege will always risk their complete destruction rather than surrender any material part of their advantage.” John Kenneth Galbraith)

In the article pasted below, "What Kids Now Learn In College," Prager lists a bill of particulars focusing all the sour grapes that embitter White Guys.  

In large part, his bill of particulars -- excessively portrayed but grounded in fact -- speaks to the planet's necessary re-calibration. 

Prager provides this eloquent summary: "The United States is no better than any other country, and in many areas worse than many. On the world stage, America is an imperialist country, and domestically it mistreats its minorities and neglects its poor, while discriminating against non-whites."

Although Prager intends this passage as self-evident proof that American colleges and universities are irredeemably ill-informed, its chief function is to reveal "what's wrong with Prager." 

Anais Nin observed, "We do not see the world as it is. We see the world as we are." What Prager "sees" indicates his own need to "take more university courses" in order to learn that the United States is not as exceptional as he thinks, unless the world's highest incarceration rate qualifies as "exceptional," or the nation's rapid bifurcation into a plutocratic state qualifies as "exceptional," or that neglectful treatment of damn neareveryone -- not just "the poor, minorities and non-whites" -- is exceptional.

For Prager to pretend that we can restore "white supremacy" is as delusional as the conservative views expressed in the following Harris Poll - http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2013/02/harris-poll-wingnuts-and-president-obama.html

The "problem" is not ethnic re-calibration (and consequent decline of white culture) as Prager would have us believe. 

The problem is the resurgence of Know-Nothing whiteness, coupled with the intellectually indolent belief that we "should" shun broad-spectrum learning. Deny global warming. Deny evolution. Deny that American Christianity (at least in its bible-banging manifestations) is its own worst enemy. Deny any responsibility for The Collapse. Deny the core democratic need for compromise. 

Deny the value of college education.

We can, of course, reinvent the wheel.

But why bother? 

"The University" is already doing a reasonably good job.

Today, at my friend's funeral, I spoke with UNC-CH sophomore, Katie K. who has, at her tender age, pursued an academic career in "Oriental Studies" and is already fluent in Japanese. 

Last week I had a beer with my boy's Godfather, Steve Dear: His son Patrick is about to graduate Cornell and recently informed Dad that he now understands the entire academic field of electrical engineering. What remains is for Patrick to choose whether he will do graduate work at MIT or Cal Tech. 

My own daughter, Maria, studying at a small state university in North Carolina, writes essays whose depth, range and style tower over anything I produced 'til my 30’s.

Sure, "The University" is not perfect. 

But realization that "perfection is impossible" is, in many ways, The Point.

To acknowledge the inevitablity of human imperfection is incalculably better than the conservative belief (implicit in Prager) that "Impossibly Pure Principles" are restorative when, in fact, they are crippling. 

I encourage you to read "Is Perfectionism A Curse?" a post that begins with Paul Ryan's penetrating observation: "I think that's just what conservatives do by nature. I think that's just the nature of conservative punditry is to do that -- to kind of complain -- about any imperfection." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/24/paul-ryan-conservative-criticism-mitt-romney_n_1909355.html /// http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2012/09/paul-ryan-tells-truth.html 

By nature conservatives complain, and they "complain about any imperfection." 

This enveloping sense of grievance reveals conservatives as ingrates, subclinical obsessive-compulsives incapable of giving thanks for humankind's flawed accomplishments. Instead they can - and will - "complain about anything." (Tune in Glenn Beck and bathe in the blather. The man is so accustomed to oozing unhinged criticism that it is often hard to determine the actual nature of any given complaint. In Beck's world, grievance is primary: gratitude does not appear on radar. http://burrowowl.net/wordpress/2010/04/blackboards_are_funny/)

Ever since Gautama Buddha set forth The First Noble Truth, we have known that "Life is suffering."

American conservatives -- certain they are perfect, and therefore eager to re-make the world in their own image -- proudly accept "a divine commission" to "complain about any imperfection."

American conservatives comprise a textbook study in arrested development. Since they only believe in bygone Golden Ages, they are intrinsically unable to engage the forward thrust of Life Itself

In "The Case For Liberalism: A Defense Of The Future Against The Past," George McGovern says: "My friend Bob Dole is fond of Robert Frost's observation that a liberal is someone who won't "take his own side in a quarrel." I will. I believe that the most practical and hopeful compass by which to guide the American ship of state is the philosophy of liberalism. Virtually every step forward in our history has been a liberal initiative taken over conservative opposition: civil rights, Social Security, Medicare, rural electrification, the establishment of a minimum wage, collective bargaining, the Pure Food and Drug Act, and federal aid to education, including the land-grant colleges, to name just a few.* Many of these innovations were eventually embraced by conservatives only after it became clear that they had overwhelming public approval for the simple reason that almost every American benefited from them. Every one of these liberal efforts strengthened our democracy and our quality of life. I challenge my conservative friends to name a single federal initiative now generally approved by both of our major parties that was not first put forward by liberals over the opposition of conservatives. We need conservatives, of course, to challenge liberal ideas and proposals and to impel us to examine their soundness, but we cannot depend on conservatives to offer constructive new ideas of the sort that might bring about a more just and equitable society or a more peaceful and cooperative world. If we assume that Lincoln, the first Republican president, was a liberal (which he surely was), nothing inspiring has come out of the conservative mind since the age of John Adams. As my friend and sometime debating partner William F. Buckley puts it in his book Up from Liberalism, Conservatism is the tacit acknowledgment that all that is finally important in human experience is behind us; that the crucial explorations have been undertaken, and that it is given to man to know what are the great truths that emerged from them. Whatever is to come cannot outweigh the importance to man of what has gone before. The business of conservatives is, in other words, to cling tightly to the past, and although such a stance can be admirable, a stale and musty doctrine is of little use at a time when the nation needs not to fear the future but to seek out ways to improve it." 

No person in this photograph could buy a clue concerning the meaning of "intellectual rigor."
They are kneejerk d___f___s --- Know Nothing Nativists --- and proud of it!


What Kids Now Learn in College

As high school seniors throughout America will be receiving acceptance letters to colleges within the next month, it would be nice for parents to meditate on what they are getting for the $20–$50,000 they will pay each year.

The United States is no better than any other country, and in many areas worse than many. On the world stage, America is an imperialist country, and domestically it mistreats its minorities and neglects its poor, while discriminating against non-whites.
There is no better and no worse in literature and the arts. The reason universities in the past taught Shakespeare, Michelangelo, and Bach rather than, let us say, Guatemalan poets, Sri Lankan musicians, and Native American storytellers was “Eurocentrism.”
God is at best a non-issue, and at worst, a foolish and dangerous belief.
Christianity is largely a history of inquisitions, crusades, oppression, and anti-intellectualism. Islam, on the other hand, is “a religion of peace.” Therefore, criticism of Christianity is enlightened, while criticism of Islam is Islamophobia.
Israel is a racist state, morally no different from apartheid South Africa.
Big government is the only humane way to govern a country.
The South votes Republican because it is still racist and the Republican party caters to racists.
Mothers and fathers are interchangeable. Claims that married mothers and fathers are the parental ideal and bring unique things to a child are heterosexist and homophobic.
Whites can be racist; non-whites cannot be (because whites have power and the powerless cannot be racist).
The great world and societal battles are not between good and evil, but between rich and poor and the powerful and the powerless.
Patriotism is usually a euphemism for chauvinism.
War is ignoble. Pacifism is noble.
Human beings are animals. They differ from “other animals” primarily in having better brains.
We live in a patriarchal society, which is injurious to women.
Women are victims of men.
Blacks are victims of whites.
Latinos are victims of Anglos.
Muslims are victims of non-Muslims.
Gays are victims of straights.
Big corporations are bad. Big unions are good.
There is no objective meaning to a text. Every text only means what the reader perceives it to mean.
The American Founders were sexist, racist slaveholders whose primary concern was preserving their wealthy status.
The Constitution says what progressives think it should say.
The American dropping of the atom bomb on Hiroshima was an act of racism and a war crime. The wealthy have stacked the capitalist system to maintain their power and economic benefits.
The wealthy Western nations became wealthy by exploiting Third World nations through colonialism and imperialism.
Defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman is as immoral as defining marriage as the union of a white and a white.
Some conclusions:
If this list is accurate — and that may be confirmed by visiting a college bookstore and seeing what books are assigned by any given instructor — most American parents and/or their child are going into debt in order to support an institution that for four years, during the most impressionable years of a person’s life, instills values that are the opposite of those of their parents.
And that is intentional.
As Woodrow Wilson, progressive president of Princeton University before becoming president of the United States, said in a speech in 1914, “I have often said that the use of a university is to make young gentlemen as unlike their fathers as possible.”
In 1996, in his commencement address to the graduating seniors of Dartmouth College, the then president of the college, James O. Freedman, cited the Wilson quote favorably. And in 2002, in another commencement address, Freedman said that “the purpose of a college education is to question your father’s values.”
For Wilson, Freedman, and countless other university presidents, the purpose of a college education is to question (actually, reject) one’s father’s values, not to seek truth. Fathers represented traditional American values. The university is there to undermine them.
Still want to get into years of debt?
In a sane society, there would be no burdensome debt associated with university education
because cost would be covered as a "sine qua non investment" in civilization.
Nope! America does not pay to educate its citizenry because the gringo majority prefers neo-barbarism to civilization, attacking government itself, disparaging education, refusing to incorporate the fundaments of a body politic predicated on The Common Good.
Make no mistake. “Civilization is in a race between education and catastrophe.” H.G. Wells

Opposition to education - particularly higher education - is the lifeblood of plutocracy.
Pax on both houses,
PS While writing this letter, Richie Havens' sang Tombstone Blues on the radio. You may remember its reference to "useless and pointless knowledge." 

Richie Havens Tombstone Blues - YouTube


Nov 11, 2009 - Uploaded by xpertexpert
Richie Havens doing "Tombstone Blues" by Bob Dylan From the "I'm Not There" Soundtrack.

On Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 1:01 PM, Fred Owens <froghospital911@gmail.com> wrote:

Dennis Prager thinks college is a waste of time. There's a large degree of left-right overlap in this area.

Fred Owens
cell: 360-739-0214

My blog is Fred Owens

send mail to:

Fred Owens
35 West Main St Suite B #391
Ventura CA 93001

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